Muhammed E. Guelen
PhD candidate, Mathematics

@ guelenmu (at) hu-berlin (dot) de
Haus 1, Raum 311, Johann-von-Neumann Haus, Berlin

I am a second-year PhD student in Mathematics at Humboldt-University Berlin, advised by Klaus Mohnke. My field of research is symplectic topology.

Previously, I obtained an M.Sc. from ETH Zurich with Wendelin Werner and Yilin Wang. I hold a B.Sc. in Mathematics and Philosophy from University of Zurich, where my academic mentor was Corinna Ulcigrai.

I have an affiliation with the Berlin Mathematical School (BMS) as a Phase II student and maintain a membership at the German Mathematical Society (DMV). 

I co-organize the What is...Seminar?, a prelude to the MATH+ Fridays Colloquium.

I will spend the academic year 2024-25 at Stanford University.